
Gap Year Students and Volunteers mainly differentiate themselves by the period of time spent away. We respect everybody who wants to have a positive influence on our world and environment. Volunteering is rather the short stay integration we find within the holiday period some people only have available, and very often it involves tailor-making to specific small group requests and their specific interests too. A minimum stay of 2 weeks is recommended. Accommodation is with full board.

Volunteering with a difference.

The only project available as of Feb 2021 we have an interest in, is assisting our neighbour, Tenikwa Wildlife Rehabilitation awareness centre during this period of the Covid pandemic. With the decimation of the tourism industry and the decline of the day visitor entry fee, the lifeblood for the animal rescue facility has all but dried up. Tenikwa is a Non-Profit-Organisation and can supply the necessary Tax Exemption # and supporting documents to any large donor if required.


Wildlife Rehabilitation for release

 Tenikwa’s wildlife rehabilitation programme grew from humble beginnings in 2002 when the founders started rehabilitating injured birds in a wooden shed behind their house. The wildlife rehabilitation work that is conducted at Tenikwa is primarily funded out of visitors to the Awareness Centre where Tenikwa offers various programs to the public to see non –releasable indigenous Wild cats of Southern Africa and other local wildlife often caught up in the human-wildlife conflict.

Through tourism and guests visiting Tenikwa, the Wildlife Rehabilitation facilities have evolved to its present state with a specialized wildlife hospital as well as several species-specific enclosures and rehabilitation areas. Today, Tenikwa Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre plays a prominent role in Wildlife Rehabilitation in the Western Cape and one of the few in the world that admits both marine and terrestrial species, reflecting the biodiversity of The Garden Route.

The wildlife hospital admits approximately 230 – 300 animals per year. These animals arrive at Tenikwa through the nature authorities managing the area, the general public and the community at large. No wild animal is turned away and no money is ever asked from anyone who brings an injured animal to Tenikwa for help. All cases are overseen by a specialist wildlife veterinarian, Dr Tindall from the Robberg Veterinary Clinic and the passionate staff at Tenikwa are trained to work with these sometimes dangerous wild animals affording them the maximum chance of full recovery and return to the wild.

After the initial stabilization and hospital admittance, the wildlife rehabilitation plan for each animal is finalised utilizing Tenikwa’s Release Protocols. Potential release sites are identified and agreed upon in conjunction with Nature Authorities taking into account where the animal was extracted, the circumstances which led to the event, the chance of survival post-release, and the impact of the release at the potential site.

The rehabilitation activities of Tenikwa are subject to strict Permit conditions issued by several governmental regulatory bodies such as The Department of Environment and Cape Nature Conservation Services and Tenikwa abides by conditions of permit whereby animals under rehabilitation are not exhibited to the general public. The animals that guests see during guided tours are animals that are non-releasable and act as inspiration for their species in the wild.

Whilst day visitors and overnight guests visiting Tenikwa provide the bulk of funds to run the facility;   the treatment, specialized care and complexity of successfully returning animals to the wild is a very expensive business. Tenikwa is a non-profit organization and all income derived is utilised to ensure the on-going sustainability of the facility. Public donations bequeath and sponsorships are gratefully accepted and responsibly utilized to achieve our conservation goal of ensuring that all wild animals admitted for rehabilitation have the maximum opportunity to return to the wild where they belong.


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