The Green Ticket is a Trails specialist with a mission and concept offering corporate and individual carbon footprint options and enterprise development through reforestation, agro-forestry and food security whilst developing green-collar jobs.
Our aim is to provide value for money hiking, cycling and overnight packages for nature orientated persons with the purpose of developing job opportunities, through environmental knowledge and tourism-related economies.
Saving existing indigenous forests with endemic bio-diversity is a lot easier than creating new eco-systems and deserves a huge carbon-credit status. This is a Global Awareness project looking for a corporate sponsorship partner to help drive the message home.
By supporting our trails, holiday packages and Green Ticket affiliated nurseries we, in turn, support the below initiatives through the profits.
- Reforestation! Includes suburbia and if every property had 3 or more evergreen indigenous climax trees on site it would create the cooling cycle needed to mitigate the heat emitted from our brick mortar homes and asphalt roads.
- Incorporating the incentive of the Carbon trade market mitigation and adaptation policy’s
- Holistic farmland soil rejuvenation and water retention practises
- Conservation trails upkeep
- Wildlife rehabilitation centres
- Supporting our National Parks
- ‘The Green Ticket’ affiliated nurseries (look out for holiday prizes attached to your plant purchases)